My friend Lisa from school sent me a picture (I am the 3rd person over from the left in the camouflaged shirt...can you see me? Ha, ha!)of one of the best teaching/worshipping times that we had in class at Holy Given during the first week. I had goosebumps, not because of the rain, but from the tangible presence of the Lord. Let me tell you why...
We had been talking about the nations in class and people were praying for their countries in their respective languages (there were dozens of nations represented at the school). They were praying for the Spirit of God to break forth in their countries and repenting on behalf of the people who lived there, crying out on behalf of the nations.
It was hard to imagine that God would have mercy on us, and how the BRIDE of Christ could ever be beautiful, complete, and restored. We had an intense time of prayer, different people representing their nation in life, crying out for God's children to unite. God even put it on my heart for me to speak on behalf of Rwanda, for the victims of genecide, especially the children. Let me tell you, I was a WRECK, and I can guarantee you, most of the students felt it too. Our hearts were broken for our brothers and sisters...
As the prayers and tears came to a calm murmur, the wind outside the tent began to pick up and within about 30 seconds it was absolutely pouring!! I mean POURING!!! It hadn't rained in a very long time! It was weeks before the rainy season started! It had been sunny and hot and clear for weeks up until that moment! The heavens were opened! The Lord was responding...
I couldn't help but want to dive into the rain to feel the God's love washing my tears away. I was drenched, and NEVER in my life did God's timing seem so perfect and just for us...I danced around and laughed, completely in awe as the rain streamed down my body.
And I wasn't alone. Many people felt the Spirit move them to join the rest of us "crazies." in "soaking up" God's presence. We started singing "Let It Rain" in English, and then Portuguese, and pretty soon other people from their nations came to the microphone, singing in their language...It was such a precious, unifying moment in the body of Christ. Completely priceless.
It was like God was tangibly expressing His divine promise to us in Acts 2:17-'In the last days,' God says, 'I will pour out my Spirit upon all people.'
God WILL pour out his Spirit on the nations (he's even doing it right now!!) and his bride WILL be beautiful--not limping and broken and falling apart. As surely as I felt the penetrating rain soak me through and through, God will do what he has said he would do. PRAISE GOD!!
'Then I heard again what sounded like the shout of a vast crowd or the roar of mighty ocean waves or the crash of loud thunder: 'Praise the Lord! For the Lord our God, the Almighty, reigns. Let us be glad and rejoice, and let us give honor to him. For the time has come for the wedding feast of the Lamb, and his bride has prepared herself. She has been given the finest of pure white linen to wear.' Rev. 19:6-8.
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